2011年9月25日 星期日

B. B. King (The king of the blue)

Blue Song 太斗BB.King,一手出神入化的結他,對於樂壇,影嚮深遠,後來多少精英都留下BB.King的影子和風格,徒子徒孫多不勝數,不愧為結他大師。

B.B. King on Ralph Gleasons Jazz Casual 1968

Darlin', darlin' you know I love you,
I love you, for myself
But you're gone, gone and left me for someone else

I think of you, think of you every morning
I dream of you, every night, and with love,
love to be with you always

When night began to fall,
I cry, cry alone
And I wish, maybe I can hold you in my arms tonight

Oh, darlin', darlin' you know I love you,
I love you, for myself
But you're gone, gone and left me for someone else

BB King Billy Preston and Bruce Willis - Sinners Prayer

難得一見的影星布斯韋利斯(Bruce Willis)站上音樂台上,還為太斗作口琴伴奏。

Rock Me Baby-BB King Eric Clapton Buddy Guy Jim Vaughn

