Welcome to my home ~郭大路

Welcome to my home ~郭大路

2007年11月24日 星期六

最和諧的民歌組合~Brothers Four~Seven Daffodils

50年代,華盛頓州立大學四個黄毛小子做夢也想不到他們會巡迴世界開演唱會、擁有百萬銷售成績的白金唱片、電視聯播節目的高曝光率和在白宮舉行演唱會。短短時間內,Brothers Four成員放下書本走入演藝圈,他們的一生因此而改變,夢想成為現實,將美妙的樂音傳送至世界各地。從六零年代開始,Brothers Four舉辦過上千場校園音樂會,也為美國前後四任總統獻唱過,在無數的社區聚會中表演,合作對象廣泛,包括古典交響樂團及知名爵士樂歌手,同時在海外許多國家巡迴表演,是代表美國的音樂親善大使。
I may not have a mansion
I haven't tiny land
Not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hand
But I can show you morning on a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things
But I can weave you moonbeams
for necklaces and rings
And I can show you morning on a thousand hills
And kiss you and give you seven daffodils
Oh, seven golden daffodils all shining in the sun
To light our way to evening
when our day is done
And I will give you music and a crust of bread
A pillow of piney bough to rest your head

When I think of all the times

I've tried SO HARD to leave her

She will turn to me and start to cry;

And she promises the earth to me

And I believe her

After all this time I don't know why.

oh, girl! ...Girl!
