Minnie Riperton - Loving you
Loving you
It's easy
'Cause you're beautiful
Making love with you
It's all I wanna do
Loving you
Minnie Riperton已經離開我們30多年了
It's more than
Just a dream come true
And everything that I do
It's out of loving you
Minnie Riperton 自幼學習聲樂,高中開始涉足流行音樂。
la la la la la
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me
While we grow old
And we will live
Each day in springtime
Loving you
Has made my life so beautiful
And every day of my life
It's filled with loving you
Loving you
I see your soul
Come shining through
And everything that we
I'm more in love with you
後來並由 Stevie Wonder 為其製作專輯" Perfect angel ",這首歌便是選自這張專輯。
la la la la la
No one else can make me feel
The colors that you bring
Stay with me
While we grow old
And we will live
Each day in springtime
Loving you
It's easy
'Cause you're beautiful
Every day in my life
It's filled with loving you
Loving you
I see your soul
Come shining through
And everytime that we
I'm more in love with you
眼看著就要在歌壇平步青雲,無奈造化弄人,不久她罹患癌症,一九七九年病逝於洛杉磯,享年方三十一歲," Loving you "也成為她留給世人的絕響。
牠們的懷孕期一般是12個月(哇…比人還久), 生產過程從幾分鐘到幾小時都可能(這就差不多), 小海豚出生後,最長會在媽媽身邊生活六年…