Welcome to my home ~郭大路

Welcome to my home ~郭大路

2007年11月3日 星期六

I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song~ Jim Croce

有一段時間,Jim Croce夫妻倆的生活很潦倒。有一個晚上,他們就為了財政上的問題發生爭吵, 好好先生的Jim Croce就獨個兒躲在廚房直到天亮。一大清早見到太太Ingrid,就唱出了一隻用了整個晚上剛寫好的歌曲給Ingrid,這隻歌也就是其中一隻最多人喜愛的Jim Croce歌曲,一隻把 'I Love You我愛你'這3個字用歌聲送給愛人的 'I'll Have To Say I Love You In A Song'。


Jim Croce是個傳奇性的人物,在他短短三十年的生命中,從玩具店 的店員、卡車司機、電台DJ、廣告業務員、工人到臨時教師,幾乎什 麼樣的工作都嘗試過。他來自費城,學生時代就對音樂有著一份執著 的狂熱,曾經組過好幾支民歌與藍調的樂隊。大學畢業後,為了生活 ,他到處打零工,還因為不小心被鐵鎚傷到手指,自己摸索出一套可 以不用到那受傷的指頭的吉他彈奏技巧。當然,在打工之餘,他也不 斷的磨練自己的音樂創作能力。 1967年,在老友的堅持下,Jim Croce帶著同樣愛唱歌的新婚妻子,搬到了紐約,夫妻一起在一些咖 啡店和小型的俱樂部裡賣唱,等待時機。 1972年,ABC唱片公司把Jim Croce簽到旗下,推出了他的第一張專 輯【You Don't Mess Around with Jim】,同名的單曲獲得了第八名 的好成績,不久,另一首單曲「Operator」也受到了大眾的喜愛。突 然之間,大家都注意到這個外型有點其貌不揚,作品風格卻很清新、 內容很生活化、甚至帶著些哲理的新人。 1973年的九月二十號,Jim Croce第三張專輯的宣傳才剛開始,新片 還來不及全面上市,他就因為飛機失事而離開了人世,這的確是非常 可惜的。

Well, I know it's kind of late
I hope I didn't wake you
But what I got to say can't wait
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song
Yeah, I know it's kind of strange
But every time I'm near you
I just run out of things to say
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song
'Cause Every time the time was right
All the words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song
Yeah, I know it's kind of late
I hope I didn't wake you
But there's something that I just got to say
I know you'd understand
'Cause every time I tried to tell you
The words just came out wrong
So I'll have to say I love you in a song

