Welcome to my home ~郭大路

Welcome to my home ~郭大路

2008年11月30日 星期日

The Stories

樂隊The Stories光芒短暫,憑著番唱英國Hot Chocolate's "Brother Louie."打入美國NO.1 hit,更於當年(1973)入選全年Billboard Top 100 的第13位。重温這首描寫白人跟黑人戀愛的歌曲時,當年的種族歧視環境下,能夠想像今天黑人已登總統寶座嗎?

Brother Louie

She was black as the night;

Louie was whiter than white,

Danger, danger when you taste brown sugar,

Louie fell in love overnight.

Nothing bad, it was good,

Louie had the best girl he could.

When she took him home To meet her mama and papa;

Louie knew just where he stood.

Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie Louie Lou I

Louie Louie Louie, Louie Louie you're gonna cry.

There he stood in the night

Knowing what's wrong from what's right.

He took her home to meet his mama and papa,

Louie fell in love overnight.

Louie nearly caused a scene Wishin' it was a dream.

Ain't no diffrence between black and white,

Brothers, you know what I mean.

Louie Louie Louie
