Welcome to my home ~郭大路

Welcome to my home ~郭大路

2007年11月4日 星期日

Do you know where are you going to ~Diana Ross

摘自~~ 蔣國男@銀河網路電台 http://media.ipavo.com/iwantad0001/2006/01/24/3977 除非是特別傑出的作品,在絕大多數的情況下,一部電影在放映當時的熱潮過後,通常很少人能夠記得它詳細的情節,如果影片本身的故事缺乏特色,就更不要奢望有人會留下深刻的印象。可是電影的插曲就不同了,只要它受到喜愛,哪怕人們早已忘記電影的劇情,在事隔多年之後,仍然能夠清晰的留在我們的腦海,甚至不斷的被重新拿出來欣賞。1975年的電影「桃花心木」(Mahogany)就是一個標準的例證,從影評到當年的票房,都堪稱悽慘,很多人甚至從來沒有看過這部電影,但是對於它的主題曲「Do You Know Where You’re Going To」,卻可以說是人人耳熟能詳、難以忘懷。「如果沒有一個你所愛的人來與你共享,成功根本毫無意義。」這是「桃花心木」中的一句對白,也可以說是本片幕後老闆兼導演小貝瑞高狄(Berry Gordy, Jr.)與女主角黛安娜蘿絲(Dian Ross)之間關係的寫照。黛安娜蘿絲是歌壇最受歡迎的黑人女歌手,60年代初期剛進入歌壇的時候,原本是「至上女聲三重唱」(The Supremes)的三位團員之一,而根據許多人的看法,該團的另一位團員佛羅倫絲巴拉德(Florence Ballard)的歌喉其實比她優秀,但是因為老闆愛上了外型比較豔麗的她,硬是把她扶植起來,先是讓她當主唱、把合唱團改名為「黛安娜蘿絲與至上女聲三重唱」,接著再讓她獨立,把她捧成超級巨星,然後又設法拓寬她的演藝領域,安排她首度登上大銀幕,主演了藍調歌后比莉哈樂黛(Billie Holiday)的傳記影片「難補遺恨天」(Lady Sings the Blues)。

Diana Ross

Do you know where you're going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to?

Do you know?

Do you get

What you're hoping for

When you look behind you

There's no open door

What are you hoping for? Do you know?

Once we were standing still in time

Chasing the fantasies That filled our minds

You knew how I loved you But my spirit was free

Laughin' at the questions That you once asked of me

Do you know where you're going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to? Do you know?

Now looking back at all we've planned

We let so many dreams Just slip through our hands

Why must we wait so long Before we'll see

How sad the answers To those questions can be

Do you know where you're going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you

Where are you going to? Do you know?

Do you get What you're hoping for

When you look behind you

There's no open door

What are you hoping for?

Do you know?
