(11-Year-Old Billy Preston with Nat 'King' Cole) 珍貴MTV
Billy Preston(1946~2006)迄立樂壇數十年,一位出色Keyboard、piano好手,一直扮演着伴奏角色,曾合作的樂壇名人:The Rolling Stones, Aretha Franklin, Bob Dylan, The Jackson Five, Sly and the Family Stone, Barbara Streisand, Sammy Davis Jr., Quincy Jones;還有上世纪最富成就的 The Beatles,被外界認為是The Beatles的影子樂手(第五位成員),最為人熟悉的合作便是"Sgt. Pepper"s Lonely Hearts Club Band"電影的音樂創作並參與演出,與四狂的關係非淺。
雖然Billy Preston被譽為幕後創作高手,但幕前唱作一點都不失禮,例如為''Fast Break''的電影原聲帶與已故黑人靈魂女歌手Syreeta Wright(1946~2004)合作的"With you I'm born again",便在 1980年Billboard's Hot single 位列 No.4,現在重温這首和諧二重唱,能不被美妙的旋律及天作之合的歌聲所感動嗎?
Come bring me your softness
Comfort me through all this madness
Woman, don't you know
With you, I'm born again
Come give me your sweetness
Now that's you, there's no witness
Lying safe within your arms
I'm born again
I was half, not whole
Instead with none
Reaching through this world
You need have one
Come show me your kindness
In your arms, I know I'll find this
Woman, don't you know
With you, I'm born again
Lying safe within you
I'm born again
Billy Preston在2002NOV,29出席紀念George Harrison的皇家劇院concert,除了付責Keyboard之外,還獻唱幾首George Harrison的名曲,以慰老朋友之靈。